Today’s Guest on the VETERAN'S FORUM were Dr. Sarah Catanese, Coordinator for the MOVE Program at JBVAMC Chicago, IL and Jenny O’ Donohue, NP, Coordinator for the MOVE Program for VISN 12. Move stands for: Managing Overweight/Obesity for Veterans Everywhere (
They announced the launching of the First Annual Illinois Medical District Farmer’s Market, sponsored by the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center in Chicago, IL.
Excess weight is a major problem for US citizens (64%), but an even greater problem for Veterans (72.7%). This is particularly alarming because the consequences of being overweight or obese include increased mortality, greater cost of care, and decreased quality of life. Not to mention other health problems, such as diabetes, hypertension, blindness, lost of limbs, etc,etc… The MOVE program at the VA focuses on losing weight for health and wellness of its Veteran clients.
The Market will run from July 10th until October 2nd, it will take place every Friday from 7 am until 1 pm on the Arthington Mall, on the UIC Medical School Campus across from the Jesse Brown VAMC (820 S. Damen Avenue, Chicago 60612) off of Damen between Taylor and Polk. Although JBVA’s patients are Veteran’s, their dependants, and Military personnel, the Farmer’s Market is open to the public.
This project would provide access to healthy food and education about the benefits of fresh produce, provide a pleasant oasis in a busy urban environment and serve to reduce stress, and establish the VA as a partner with the adjacent medical centers in promoting healthy eating habits.
Vendors will be selling fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh cut flowers, tomatoes, salsas, pasta sauces, and preserves. There will be music, recipe ideas, and contact information for the MOVE! Program at JBVA. "We are also looking into offering short 'soothing massages' to help relieve stress for a small fee,'' Dr. Catanese said.
JBVA is one of four large medical centers within an economically under served area just southwest of downtown Chicago. Each of three other Medical Centers (UIC, RUSH, and John Stroger Hospital of Cook County) will share a mutual benefit with JBVA. The Farmers Market will provide a chance for the local community and the medical district to enjoy the benefits of social gathering and community activity in a serene and healthy environment.
Tables and booths still available Vendors should contact: Megan Richardson 312-569-6561 or Dr. Catanese 312-569-8505. ----------------------------------------------------- Doc E. Everett McFall, HostThe Veteran’s Forum
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